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10 Proven Ways to Earn Money on Twitch

10 Proven Ways to Earn Money on Twitch

Twitch, the leading live streaming service for gamer and content creators, has changed the way people consume entertainment online. With millions of viewers and streamers worldwide, Twitch has become a lucrative platform for those who want to turn their passion for sports and creativity into a sustainable source of income. In this article, we’ll explore ten proven ways for how to earn money from Twitch.

No. Method Description
1 Subscriptions and Twitch Affiliate Program Earn revenue from subscribers at different tiers and become part of the Twitch Affiliate Program.
2 Donations and Tips Receive financial support from viewers who appreciate your content through tips and donations.
3 Ad Revenue Run ads on your channel as a Twitch Partner and earn revenue based on the number of ad views.
4 Brand Sponsorships and Partnerships Collaborate with brands and companies for sponsored streams and product placements.
5 Merchandise Sales Design and sell branded merchandise like t-shirts, hoodies, and mugs through platforms like Streamlabs.
6 Twitch Bits and Cheering Receive a share of revenue from viewers who use virtual currency (“Bits”) to cheer during your streams.
7 Game Sales and Affiliate Links Earn a commission by promoting and selling games through your Twitch affiliate links.
8 Virtual Events and Tournaments Host virtual events and tournaments with entry fees and potential sponsor support.
9 Channel Memberships Offer subscription-like benefits to viewers for a monthly fee, including badges and emotes.
10 Creative Content and Art Commissions Monetize creative skills through art commissions and exclusive content for supporters.

How to earn money from Twitch

1. Subscriptions and Twitch Affiliate Program

how to earn money from Twitch

1st way to know how to earn money from Twitch

One of the ways that Twitch streamers can monetize their content is by signing up for the Twitch Affiliate Program. Once a diver qualifies for the affiliate program by meeting the requirements (such as reaching 50 subscribers, recommending a certain number of hours, etc.), they can earn money from the subscribers’ funds. Viewers can choose to subscribe to the channel at different levels, with each level offering different benefits, such as emotes and exclusive content.

2. Donations and Tips

how to earn money from Twitch

2nd way to know how to earn money from Twitch

Most viewers like the creators of the content they watch and are willing to show their support through donations and recommendations. Twitch has built in a donation system like \”Bits\”, which viewers can buy and use to give to their favorite surfers. Some fans also provide links to external platforms such as PayPal or Patron, where fans can donate directly.

3. Ad Revenue

how to earn money from Twitch

3rd way to know how to earn money from Twitch

Twitch allows interactive streamers to run ads on their channels, allowing them to earn revenue based on the number of ads. Although the income from advertising is not as profitable as other income streams, it can still provide income producers with a large viewing area.

4. Brand Sponsorships and Partnerships

how to earn money from Twitch

4th way to know how to earn money from Twitch

As the channel grows in popularity, it can attract the attention of brands that want to reach their target audience. Sponsorships and brand partnerships are a great way for Twitch streamers to earn money through commercial partnerships. These partnerships may include sponsored streams, product placements, or signatures, depending on the nature of the partnership.

5. Merchandise Sales

how to earn money from Twitch

5th way to know how to earn money from Twitch

Creating and selling merchandise is an effective way for Twitch streamers to make money and connect with their community. Streamers can design and sell their branded merchandise, including t-shirts, hoodies, mugs, and more, through platforms like Stream labs or Tee spring.

6. Twitch Bits and Cheering

how to earn money from Twitch

6th way to know how to earn money from Twitch

Twitch Bits, a virtual currency on the platform, is another way for viewers to support their favorite surfers. Viewers can purchase Bits and use them to “entertain” during broadcasts, which add visual and audio effects to the plot. Streamers receive a share of their revenue from Bits spent on their channel.

7. Game Sales and Affiliate Links

how to earn money from Twitch

7th way to know how to earn money from Twitch

If you are a gamer who plays games regularly and supports games, you can take advantage of Twitch sales and affiliate links. Twitch offers sales through its platform, and streamers can earn commissions and purchases from their affiliate links. This allows surfers to earn money while promoting a sport they truly enjoy.

8. Virtual Events and Tournaments

how to earn money from Twitch

8th way to know how to earn money from Twitch

Organizing and hosting events and competitions on Twitch can be a great source of income. Swimmers can invite their community to participate in a tournament or charity event, and the entry fee contributes to the prize pool. Additionally, sponsors may be interested in sponsoring these events, providing opportunities for additional funding.

9. Channel Memberships

how to earn money from Twitch

9th way to know how to earn money from Twitch

Twitch has introduced channel subscriptions, a feature that allows streamers to offer subscription benefits to their viewers for a monthly fee. Unlike Twitch subscriptions, channel subscriptions are fully optional and can include special badges, emotes and other benefits.

10. Creative Content and Art Commissions

how to earn money from Twitch

10th way to know how to earn money from Twitch

For streamers who excel in creative content, such as digital art, music production, or cosplay, offering artwork or unique creative content can be a way to make money on Twitch. By using their technical skills, surfers can attract customers and provide their fans with personalized services or content.


Making money on Twitch takes dedication, persistence and a strong connection to your community. By combining multiple sources of income and exploring different funding options, surfers can turn their passion for games and creative content into a sustainable income stream. Whether through subscriptions, awards, brand partnerships, sales, or virtual events, Twitch offers a variety of opportunities for content creators to grow financially while doing what they do and do. So go ahead, start streaming and build your way to success on Twitch! and i hope you understand how to earn money from Twitch.

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